And Now For Something Completely Different . . .
Calling all Gryphon Eggheads. Anyone interested in having a bit of fun with no badminton involved, then please let Ian know by 15th Nov. Dorchester Quiz Night
Two Seasonal Events for your Diaries
1. Christmas Meal at Union Street Brassiere Yeovil on Thursday 12th December (evening) The cost is £22/ person for 2 courses or £25 for 3 courses (see attached menu). Please […]
West Dorset Badminton League Veterans Tournament
For those that are interested, the WDBL Veterans Tournament is being held at Redlands on Sunday 27th October commencing at 2pm. Entry form and full event details can be found […]
Get a grip . . .
Anyone need a new grip for their racket? Howard has just purchased a lovely load of racket grips and is happy to sell them at cost price, so now is […]